

So, I realize posts have been scarce of late. There is one major reason for that: I just bought a 1998 Pontiac Sunfire convertible. On the one hand, that means I am now able to be on my own schedule for transportation. On the other hand, I paid cash for it, and so I am nearing broke for a few weeks here. On the gripping hand, it is a 14-year-old vehicle, and there are a few problems to work on.

As a result, Project Inanna will likely be put on the middle burner (the back burner is too full of other projects... ;-P) for a month or two, until I have budget and time again to work on her.

That being said, I have painted the entirety of the superstructure, and the motors and rudder controls are all mounted--it should not take long to get her running, at least in an RC fashion. I will post pictures of the painting at some point soon.


Superstructure Complete!

So, I have completed the superstructure! Also below are some images of the newly-designed GPS breakout, and a video of the outdoor lift test I made a week ago.


Superstructure Progress

So, over the last couple days, I have made quite a lot of progress on the superstructure.



Got the first board design done, for the AVR IO slave. Below are pictures and links to the EAGLE files themselves.




Motor Test

So, last night I did a quick motor test using my laptop to send servo data over an FTDI cable to a Boarduino. The Boarduino is using the Servo library to address the ESC.

Video after the jump.